Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Brag Book

With Christmas so recent, I have all kinds of new running gear to brag about, and I figure who else would want to read about this except for other running nerds who follow blogs?

Firstly, I haven't yet finished it, but my husband bought me Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and it's amazing (She's the same author who wrote Seabiscuit).  While not entirely devoted to running, it's a book about an incredible man who represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.  Every time I turn the page I find I have to remind myself that it's nonfiction.  The title character actually survived on an inflatable raft for 47 days and then found himself in a Japanese POW camp.  

Secondly, I now own the Nike Element Thermal running shirt and I have to say it might be my favorite gear ever.  It's not meant for temperatures below freezing, but it's great for a cold New England day in the 40s where you don't want to wear a full jacket.  I even sit around the house with it on after my run, and I find it's the only shirt that I don't shiver in.

Since I'm new to the blogging world, I'll keep this first post short and sweet.  Tune in for more in the way of actual running news and tidbits in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED Unbroken! I also received it for Christmas, and just fell deep into it. Amazing story about one man who really has had an incredible life.
