Monday, January 17, 2011


Sorry while I get on my soap box here, but I honestly don't understand this cultural phenomenon:  Why do people in public places ruin sporting events by sharing the score?  I was on the airplane last night when the stewardess got on the loud speaker to share the final score of the Patriot's anticipated playoff game against the Jets. 

I may not know everything about football, but I love watching the Patriots.  I have the day off for Martin Luther King, Jr, and I was so looking forward to watching the game as a way to unwind and (I was hoping, a way to celebrate) after my marathon. 

Have people not heard of the VCR, or TiVO?  Honestly, on a plane full of people landing in Boston, you'd think they would be considerate of people who were FANS OF THE PATRIOTS and might want to enjoy the excitement and drama of a playoff game unfolding.  Granted, I'm still going to watch the game, but it's not the same. 

Can you imagine any other cultural paradigm where it is acceptable to ruin the experience for people by telling the outcome?  What if another billion dollar entertainment industry like movies were subject to the same thing.  People on airplanes, at other sporting events, and just out in public would always be subject to "In case you were wondering, Bruce Willis is a ghost," or "Marley dies."  Seriously, who does that?

By the way, if you want to avoid US Airways in the future because of this, that's the rotten airline that spoiled the Patriots game for us.  They were also very rude to us, but that's another story. 

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